Can I Form a Non-Profit LLC, 501c3?

By IncNow May 23, 2022
B Corp

Philanthropists often ask if an LLC can be a non-profit. What they are referring to is the 501c3 tax-exemption status. 501c3 status is a coveted designation because it exempts a company from federal, sales, and property taxes. These exemptions are crucial to the function of non-profit organizations.  IRS regulations do not allow LLCs to be […]

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Can an LLC Be a Non-Profit?

By IncNow August 26, 2020

Traditionally, non-profit companies are corporations. However, there is a way to get the protection of an LLC while retaining the structure of a non-profit corporation. When expanding the operations of their non-profits, existing non-profit corporations may consider adding higher risk assets to subsidiary LLCs. These LLCs exist under the umbrella of the already qualified 501(c)(3) […]

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