How Can I Do a Delaware LLC Name Search?
IncNow® (Agents and Corporations, Inc.) provides two easy ways to discover the availability of a Delaware LLC or Corporation name.
The first way is to submit an order to IncNow and we will check the name that business day.
The second way is to call us at 1-800-759-2248 or email, where a representative can check the availability of a desired entity name at no charge.
Doing a Delaware LLC Search Online Can Be Misleading
Checking the State of Delaware’s website for availability can be misleading because the business search tool shows former names that are no longer conflicts but does not display some names which may pose conflicts, for example when the corporate ending is different. An IncNow representative will have additional information to what is available on the state’s website and can use their experience to give you the most accurate information about name availability.
You Don’t Need to Reserve a Name to Search for It
You can use the “name reservation” tool at to confirm availability. However, we do not believe it is usually necessary because it costs $75 and it would be easier and ultimately cheaper to just file the company to see if the name is available.
Delaware LLC Name Requirements
Title 6, Section 18-102 of the Delaware Code sets forth the requirements of LLC names in Delaware. The main requirement is that the name contains “LLC,” “L.L.C.,” or “limited liability company. The section also states that an LLC name may contain the following words: “Company,” “Association,” “Club,” “Foundation,” “Fund,” “Institute,” “Society,” “Union,” “Syndicate,” “Limited” or “Trust”. Beyond those rules, the code does not set forth any further explicit requirements or limitations on LLC names. In general, most names are accepted by Delaware if they are not already taken or directly conflict with another type of entity. However, the Secretary of State will enforce certain policies and departmental rules for naming. Names that could be interpreted as obscene are typically rejected. Company names that contain the names of drugs are also rejected. Beyond those rules, IncNow can provide guidance on whether your proposed name will be approved.