Does My Company Need an EIN from the IRS?
The EIN serves as the Federal Tax Identification Number for the company on file with the IRS. A single-member LLC can either use the Social Security Number (SSN) of the single member to conduct business, or it can obtain a separate Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN is required for a multi-member LLC.
We recommend that you obtain an EIN soon after the formation of your LLC whether you are forming a single-member or multi-member LLC. A number may be obtained beforehand, but it is best to wait in the event there are issues with the filing that require a different name be used for the LLC. It is best to have the LLC approved before obtaining the company’s EIN.
IncNow® can help obtain the EIN for your LLC (or any other entity) if you would like. Find out how by contacting one of our Incorporation Specialists today.